Floor Protection Systems — ENECON has a wide variety of high performance floor protection systems for some of the most extreme and demanding applications.
- Our CHEMCLAD SC, CHEMCLAD XC, ENECLAD FPS, ENECLAD CFS and ENECLAD SPS high performance polymer composites provide the most effective floor protection solutions to a wide range of chemical attack and high wear applications.
- CHEMCLAD P4C is a two component, water borne, polymeric ‘adhesion enhancer’ specifically formulated to help seal concrete / cementitious surfaces and insure optimum interface bonding between the surface and the ENECON High Performance Polymer System selected as the finish coat.
- Our ENECLAD SuperBond ultra high performance primer and bonding agent can make floor prep simple and inexpensive.
Easy and safe to use. No VOC’s and no unpleasant odors.